Biology – Intermediate 2
Living Cells


Structure and Function


Diffusion and Osmosis


Enzyme Action




Environmental Biology and Genetics
Animal Physiology
Learning Outcomes
Problem Solving
Study List

The Structure and Function of a variety of cells.

Similarities and differences between animal, plant and microbial cells

All cells have:

  • a cell membrane
  • nucleus
  • cytoplasm

In addition plant cells have:

  • a cellulose cell wall

Plant cells may also have:

  • a large central vacuole
  • chloroplasts

You should be able to identify:

  • cheek epithelial cells
  • plant parenchyma cells
  • onion epidermis
  • rhubarb epidermis*
  • yeast
  • elodea.

*Rhubarb epidermal cells are filled with dark coloured pigment (red), this might appear grey or black on test papers

Function of cell structures

The basic parts of plant and animal cells:

Animal Cell  
Cell Membrane Controls entry and exit of materials form the cell
Nucleus Controls the activity of the cell.  The hereditary materials, the chromosomes, are found here.
Cytoplasm Jelly like matrix within the cell, the vital chemical reactions of life occur here
Plant Cell  
Cell Membrane Controls entry and exit of materials form the cell
Nucleus Controls the activity of the cell.  The hereditary materials, the chromosomes, are found here.
Cytoplasm Jelly like matrix within the cell, the vital chemical reactions of life occur here
Chloroplast Site of photosynthesis
Cell Wall The cellulose structure surrounding the cell that gives it shape and rigidity.
Vacuole Liquid filled centre of the cell, this inflates with water by osmosis and makes the cell rigid.

Commercial and industrial uses of cells

you should be able to write a paragraph on each of the following



  • A source of sugar is given to yeast.
  • The yeast use the sugar for energy
  • In the absence of oxygen this results in the production of alcohol (beer and wine).
  • the process is called fermentation


  • Sugar is added to the dough
  • The yeast use the sugar for energy
  • Gluten in the flour prevents bubble of gas from escaping and bursting
  • Fermentation in yeast produces carbon dioxide gas which causes dough to rise.

Alternative fuels (Biogas and gasohol)

  • Waste products are collected in fermenters
  • Bacteria can use the waste as food
  • Biogas is produced when bacteria respire anaerobically to produce methane
  • Gasohol is produced when alcohol produced by the fermentation of sugar cane is mixed with petrol.


  • Fungi compete with bacteria for food
  • Fungi produce a wide range of antibiotics that can destroy bacteria to gain the most from the food source.
  • Resistant bacteria are unaffected by antibiotics and are on the increase due to overuse of antibiotics.


  • Bacteria convert sugar in milk (lactose) into lactic acid:
  • causing it to thicken by curdling
  • giving it a characteristic sour taste

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Diffusion and Osmosis in Plant and Animal Cells


The movement of particles of solute from a region of high solute concentration to a region of lower solute concentration until the solute is evenly spread out.

Examples of Diffusion

  • CO2 and urea out of cells
  • O2 and soluble food particles into cells
  • Food through the gut wall
  • CO2 and O2 through the wall of the alveolus
  • CO2 into the leaves of plants and O2 out of the leaves of plants


The movement of water from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration, through a selectively permeable membrane (s.p.m.).

Examples of osmosis:

  • water into root cells
  • in the loop of Henle
  • the gills of fish

Water concentration describes the concentration of water in a sample:

  • Pure water has the highest possible water concentration
  • As solute is added the water concentration goes down

The words hypertonic, isotonic and hypotonic describe the water concentration of two solutions separated by a selectively permeable membrane such as visking tubing or a cell membrane.

Hypertonic -the solution with the lower water concentration

Hypotonic – the solution with the higher water concentration

Isotonic – two solutions with the same water concentration

Osmosis in Animal Cells

In osmosis in animal cells the red blood cell is generally used as an example

in the animation opposite it begins with a red blood cell in an isotonic solution.

By clicking on the buttons it is possible to change the concentration of the bathing solution to:


  • the water concentration outside the cell is now higher than inside
  • more water molecules flow into the cell than flow out
  • the cell swells and bursts



Osmosis in Plant Cells

  • the water concentration outside the cell is now lower than inside
  • more water molecules flow out the cell than flow in
  • the cell shrivels up

Plasmolysis – The state of a plant cell in a hypertonic solution, the cell shrinks.

Turgid – Plant cells in a hypotonic solution, the cell swells against the cell wall and the cell is rigid and firm

Flaccid – Plant cells in a hypertonic solution, the cell shrinks away from the cell wall and the cell is limp.

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Enzyme Action



  • a chemical that causes a chemical reaction to occur, or speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being changed itself.
  • Substrate(s) + enzyme product(s)
  • The do this by lowering the activation energy for the reaction (the energy required to start a reaction(


  • A biological catalyst
  • enzymes are proteins
  • they operate best at an optimum pH and temperature
  • Enzymes are denatured (destroyed) at high temperatures:
    • The shape of an enzyme is essential to the way it works, heating destroys the shape of a protein thereby destroying the ability of the enzyme to cause catalysis.
    • Most human proteins denature at a temperature around 65º
  • enzymes are specific to the reaction they catalyse (they catalyse one and only one reaction):
    • For example amylase turns starch into maltose, it has no effect on protein or fat


active site

  • the place on an enzyme where the substrate(s) binds

lock and key

  • the concept that enzymes operate by substrates fitting into a shape defined by the active site of the enzyme
  • A change in the enzyme then carries out the reaction on the substrates

Synthesis reactions – make more complex molecules out of simpler substrates

  • Glucose-1-phosphate + potato phosphorylase starch

Degradation reactions – break more complex molecules into simpler products



Starch maltose


Proteins large peptides (chains of amino acids from protein digestion)


larger peptides smaller peptides

Other proteases

peptides amino acids


fats fatty acids and glycerol


hydrogen peroxide oxygen and water

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Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration

Respiration is a chemical process, occurring in the mitochondria in the cytoplasm of all living cells, which breaks down sugar to provide energy for the cell

  • Aerobic respiration requires the presence of oxygen
  • Anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen
  • Glucose is a source of energy in the cell
  • The chemical that transports and transfers energy in the cell is called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
  • During respiration sugar is broken down into CO2 and water
  • During Respiration the energy compound ATP is made from ADP and inorganic phosphate molecules (Pi)
  • ADP + Pi + energy from respiration ATP
  • Where energy is required within the cell the reverse reaction takes place
  • ATP ADP + Pi + energy·
  • Some heat is lost as waste during respiration.

Stages of respiration        


  • requires glucose as an energy source
  • Glucose is broken down  into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid
  • The pyruvic acid is broken down aerobically or anaerobically
  • 2 molecules of ATP are generated in this stage.        

Aerobic Breakdown

  • Only happens in the presence of oxygen:
  • Pyruvic acid enters the aerobic respiration system
  • CO2 is generated as waste
  • Hydrogen is given energy
  • It is passed on to a hydrogen acceptor molecule
  • It is then called a reduced hydrogen acceptor
  • Hydrogen is passed into another chemical system
  • The waste hydrogen is reacted with the oxygen to make water
  • The energy from the hydrogen is used to turn 36 molecules of ADP into 36 molecules of ATP
  • Giving a total of 38 molecules of ATP for aerobic respiration

Anaerobic Breakdown

  • In the absence of oxygen pyruvic acid is changed to:
    • Lactic acid in mammals
    • Alcohol (ethanol) and carbon dioxide in plants and fungi (such as yeast)
  • No further energy is produced
  • Giving a total of 2 molecules of ATP for anaerobic respiration.
  • Lactic acid in muscles leads to fatigue:
    • The reaction in animals is reversible – once oxygen is available the lactic acid is converted back to pyruvic acid.
    • The reaction in plants leading to alcohol is not reversible.

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Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that occurs in the chloroplasts of the cells of green plants:

  • It uses CO2, water and the energy from sunlight to make sugars
  • These sugars are stored as osmotically inactive starch grains within the plant
  • The sugar and starch is used to:
  • Provide energy via respiration
  • Make raw materials such as cellulose and proteins

Stages of Photosynthesis

  • Photolysis · Sunlight is the energy source
  • Light is captured by chlorophyll
  • Chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts
  • ATP is generated at this stage
  • Waste oxygen is released
  • Carbon fixation
  • Carbon in the form of CO2 enters the Carbon Fixation cycle
  • ATP is needed to turn it into sugar
  • The sugar is converted to starch or cellulose.

Limiting factors in Photosynthesis

A limiting factor is one that limits how fast a reaction can go. When the limit is reached the reaction will go no faster.

Limiting factors in photosynthesis are:

  • Light
  • Temperature
  • Availability of Carbon dioxide

In the above experiment the number of bubbles will give a measure of the rate of photosynthesis

Counting the bubbles in the above experiment gave the following results:

  • At 30 lux, brightening the light to 40 lux will increase photosynthesis so light is limiting the rate of photosynthesis at that point
  • At 80 lux increasing the light to 90 has no effect on photosynthesis so some other factor must be limiting at that point.
    • Increasing the temperature would speed up the reaction
    • or increasing the concentration of bicarbonate should increase the rate of photosynthesis
  • so these are the limiting factors at that point.

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